Escape to The Write Place
A retreat to rest, unwind & write. Join us in Spain, Yorkshire or online.

Rest Write Reflect

‘Escape to the Write Place’ Spain, is a writers’ retreat based at the stunning Alqueria de Morayma Hotel, located in the Alpujarra region of Southern Granada - the perfect place for rest and creative inspiration.
- We also run retreats in Yorkshire and online -
(See details below)
Rest – Write – Reflect
Cost: £1,500 Half board
Look out for ‘Escape to the Write Place’ creative writing courses for kids; email us for further details
Rest, Unwind and Write.
Get away to rediscover your creative flow.
Whether you are carrying a great story within you or simply trying to find a point of expression for the stories you have lived, escape to the write place and discover the tools you need.
The retreat will consist of six days of instruction, group sessions and workshops in addition to writing time. Beginning with ‘setting,’ it will cover ‘character, dialogue, conflict, style and theme and plot,’ in addition to other elements. There will also be opportunities for 1-2-1 sessions with Marcus Dalrymple, the course facilitator and to rest and unwind.
Marcus Dalrymple is the published author of 10 books, including travel writing, novels and literature guides.
Born in Argentina and brought up living in Mexico, Venezuela and Spain, Marcus is a fluent Spanish speaker and has a passion for Hispanic culture. Beginning his career as a journalist, he specialised in travel giving him a great depth of experience with different cultures.
He has since been an English teacher for 30 years, teaching in a variety of schools both within the UK and abroad. In addition to teaching English, Marcus has also taught Creative Writing to adults for many years.
Your Host
“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”
Online Writing Retreat
The cost of online ‘Zoom’ courses is £125 per person for 5 weeks. The full amount must be paid two days before the beginning of the course.
Spain Writing Retreat
The retreat is situated in Las Alpujarras. A región of Andalucia in southern Spain, it rests at the foothills of the soaring Sierra Nevada Mountains, a perfect backdrop to help invigorate your soul & creative writing.
UK Writing Retreat
Situated in the stunning surroundings of Patrick Brompton Hall, North Yorkshire, this is the perfect environment if you want to get away but stay a little more local.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
― Maya Angelou
About the location
Discover more about our stunning setting.
“Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.”
Daily Overview
Session 1: 09: 30 – 11:00
Break: 11:00 – 11:30
Session 2: 11:30 – 13:00
Lunch Break: 13:00 – 14:00
Session 3: 14:00 – 15:00
Break: 15:00 – 15:15
Session 4: 15:15 – 16:15
Dinner: 20:00 – 20:30
Evening entertainment (optional)
Retreat Overview
The writing retreat will cover all the necessary components of story-writing to get you started; from looking at setting and character to conflict, dialogue and style.
Each of the six days will touch on a different aspect, with time for review and time to write and share work. Please look at FAQ page for more details.
“A word after a word after a word is power.”
Further information and FAQs
If you attend one of our retreats, we will provide you with the tools to get started with your writing. Each day we will focus on a different element of story writing. We will begin with setting and progress to looking at character, conflict, action, dialogue, style, plot and theme. Throughout the week, there will be plenty of opportunities to share work, study examples of excellent writing and time to write and reflect. On the final day, you will be given a theme to write about and may choose fiction or non-fiction.
There will be 1-2-1 opportunities with the host to assist you with this task and the day will conclude with a chance to showcase your work. You will leave at the end of the week, refreshed and a more confident writer better equipped to continue on your writing journey.
It is up to you what you bring. Some people like to write on laptops, others with pen and paper. If you bring a laptop, do make sure you bring an adaptor suitable for use in Spain. These can usually be purchased in Boots or on Amazon or in Airport shops. Depending when you choose to come, you may also want to bring suitable swimming attire and sun screen. The hotel can supply towels and hair dryers.
By coming on one of our retreats, there’s an expectation that you will be prepared to share your work, and participate and take full advantage of the dynamic of being with like-minded people.
The maximum number we cater for on each retreat is 8. We believe this is sufficient for an effective group dynamic and means we can split up into two smaller groups for certain assignments or even pair up. There is no minimum requirement, though to get the most from the retreat in terms of sharing work and peer feedback, we would not recommend joining a retreat of less than four clients.
For the Yorkshire retreat a minimum number of 12 is required by Patrick Brompton for catering and staffing purposes.
The Alqueria Morayma in Spain has limited access. There is one bedroom fully catered for disabled guests in addition to ground floor ramps into the hotel entrance lobby and bar, pool area and terraces but there is no lift to the first floor where the library is located.
Unfortunately, there is no provision at Patrick Brompton Hall, the location for our Yorkshire retreat. Being a listed building, they have been unable to make the adequate changes.
The seven day retreat costs £1,500.
It includes: accommodation, breakfast and a three course dinner and one complimentary drink, in addition to refreshments during session breaks and full use of the hotel’s facilities.
It does not include flights to and from Spain or transportation to and from the hotel.
The retreat is aimed at neophytes (aka entrepreneurial beginners); people who have a deep urge to write and express themselves but need help starting.
It is not aimed at established writers or people looking to get published at this stage.
There will be five hours of tuition/workshops a day: three in the morning and two in the afternoon. From 16:15 until dinner at 19:00 will be free in addition to the evening, unless clients have booked an evening activity.
We do recommend the author talk, since this will be another opportunity to hear and speak to an established writer.
On the Friday, the last day of the course, the entire day will be given over to writing, sharing of work and answering any queries you might have. There will also be time for 1-2-1 sessions, if required.
The Morayma Hotel and the Alpujarra provide the perfect setting for a writers’ retreat. The area itself has inspired writers (both domestic and foreign) for centuries, including the likes of Lorca, Hemingway and more recently Chris Stewart, author of the bestseller, ‘Driving Over Lemons.’
Your host, Marcus Dalrymple, has been an English teacher for 30 years. He has also taught Creative Writing to adults. He is the published author of 10 books, including novels, travel writing and GCSE literature guides.
If you want to get started with your writing, you need a proven facilitator with extensive teaching and writing experience.
‘Escape to the Write Place’ offers the complete package: a clearly defined writing course, inspiring teaching and a fantastic opportunity to meet other budding writers and an established author.